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Bristol Branch
Bishopsworth (St Peter)

Name or Dedication: St Peter

Location: Bishopsworth, Somerset

Grid Reference: ST570686

Unringable. Rung from the chancel crossing.

The clock has dials on the north and south walls of the belfry.

Bells hung for full-circle ringing

The bells of St Peter, Bishopsworth
BellWeightDiameterNoteFounder Date
11¼ cwt 18 inAb Jefferies & Price 1844

Source: Nick Bowden, Revd David L. Cawley and George Dawson.

Where the exact weight of a bell is known, it is given in the traditional way using the British imperial units of Hundredweight, Quarters and Pounds (cwt-qtr-lb) in which there are 28 pounds in a quarter, four quarters in a hundredweight, and 20 hundredweight in a ton (one hundredweight is equal to approximately 50.8 kilograms). However, if only an approximate or calculated weight is known, it is given to the nearest quarter of a hundredweight.

A bell's diameter is measured across its mouth (open end) at the widest point and is given in inches (to the nearest quarter of an inch), one inch being equal to approximately 2.54 centimetres.